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Managing Pain: Using Physical/Occupational Therapy

Healthcare professionals, including physical and occupational therapists, often prescribe stretching as a primary intervention in managing and preventing the onset of chronic pain. Stretching has many proven benefits including improving joint function, decreasing muscle stiffness, decreasing muscle tone, and improving circulation. Stretching can help you recover your mobility, allows for greater freedom of movement, and can decrease and prevent chronic pain.  

Chronic pain can be debilitating. Mile Bluff's physical and occupational therapy services are here to help you re-gain your mobility by prescribing patient specific exercises to target your individualized needs. Don’t let chronic pain stop you from doing the activities you enjoy. Talk with your provider about a referral for rehabilitation services for treatment of chronic pain.

This information is provided by Mile Bluff’s Opioid Stewardship committee. Opioid stewardship is a coordinated program that identifies and uses the best practices to optimize the appropriate use of opioid medications while minimizing the negative impact opioids can have on a patient.

Public education is part of an opioid stewardship program. Throughout the year, we will be sharing information about our stewardship efforts and how we all can do our part to impact the opioid epidemic in our country.