Event Details
Community Health Fair
- Categories: Special Event

About This Event
In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to take control of your health. Knowing your specific risks for developing heart disease and diabetes can help you be proactive in making healthier life choices.
Attend the health fair at Mile Bluff – Delton Family Medical Center. Free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings will be available. Lipid profile tests will also be available for only $25. This test measures your good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides. Fasting is optional.
Once your tests are completed, Mile Bluff’s healthcare professionals will review your results with you, and tell you what they mean. You may also be given tips and resources to help reduce your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Results will be sent to your primary care provider.
The information you receive from these tests, along with the educational tools you will be given, are important steps in positively impacting your health. Appointments are required for all services, so call 608-254-5888 to reserve your spot today!
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Please call 608-254-5888 to make your appointment.